Monday, October 29, 2012

Quick trip through the prairies

Although our time in the prairies was not quick (a full week in Winnipeg), I did not take a lot of photos.  So, it seemed like a quick trip as I flipped through the photos.  We celebrated Dave's birthday on October 2, helped my parents pack up the Outlook house, and continued to eat a lot of food as we caught up with friends and family (not to mention Thanksgiving eating!).  Our time in Winnipeg was exhausting, as anyone who has gone somewhere just to visit will understand.  But it was also valuable and rejuvenating.  Seeing all my friends and family in Winnipeg allowed me to foster important relationships.  However, my time there affirmed my move from Winnipeg.  As much as I love the people in the 'peg and miss everyone daily, I am incredibly happy to be spending my days with Dave and making decisions about our futures together.   

We left Winnipeg after a full seven days of eating, sitting, and visiting and embarked on a drive north of the Great Lakes.  We decided to drive to Thunder Bay our first day and find accommodations as we drove into the city.  Once we arrived, we discovered that every single room in T-Bay was booked and most Motels within an hour had no vacancy.  So, we drove another 2 hours, sending our daily km count to over 1000, and stayed in a tiny Motel in Schrieber, ON.  The next morning brought snow, for the second time on our trip, and we left for Southern Ontario on icy, wintry roads.

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